Community Calls archive

CSCCE hosts monthly community calls. On this page you can explore the listings from previous calls that took place in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Recordings of some of our calls are available on our YouTube channel, and shared notes are available to community members through our Slack group. You can request to join us on Slack here.


December 2023 Community Call

Date: Friday, 15 December at 11am EST / 4pm UTC

Topic: Annual community potluck

Blog posts: December’s community call | Recap

More details

Join December’s community call to:

  • Highlight some of the ways that being part of the CSCCE community of practice (CoP) has impacted your work this year
  • Participate in shaping future activities in the CSCCE CoP so that they meet your needs and goals
  • Reflect on 2023 and look ahead to the next 12 months
  • Connect with other CSCCE CoP members and STEM community professionals

November 2023 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 22 November at 11am EST / 4pm UTC

Topic: The house party metaphor for community engagement

Blog posts: Intro to the metaphors series | Download the house party “concept booklet

More details

CSCCE Community Calls return! This month, we’re using the metaphor of a house party to discuss community scaffolding, structure, and member participation, which we’ve been writing about on our blog.

Join November’s community call to:

  • Use the metaphor of a house party to explore challenges and opportunities in STEM community management
  • Ask questions about any of the blog posts in the series leading up to this call
  • Connect with other STEM community managers and build your professional network

During a brief hiatus from monthly community calls, we hosted a series of open-source focused Tools Trials. You can find out more about this series on the CSCCE blog.

June 2023 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 21 June at 11am EDT / 3pm UTC

Topic: Annual Mid-Year Social – registration required

Blog posts: June’s community call

More details

Join June’s community call to:

  • Meet other STEM community managers
  • Let us know what you’d like to participate in in terms of community calls, tools trials, and related community programming over the next six months
  • Take a break from the norm!

May 2023 Community Call / Tools Trial

Date: Friday, 26 May at 10am EDT / 2pm UTC

Topic: Discourse Tools Trial

Blog posts: May’s community call | Recap

More details

Join May’s community call to:

  • Learn about the community platform Discourse
  • Share your expertise in running a community on Discourse
  • Participate and get to know other community managers in STEM

April 2023 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 19 April at 11am EDT / 3pm UTC

Topic: The future of online communities

Blog posts: April’s community call | Recap

More details

Join April’s community call to:

  • Share your perspective on the future of community building online
  • Learn from others who are experimenting with new platforms or moderation techniques
  • Brainstorm a future for your social media engagement strategy

March 2023 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 15 March at 11am EDT / 3pm UTC* (please note that the hour change in the US may affect the time of this call in your timezone)

Topic: Oblique Thinking Hour

Blog posts: March’s community call | Recap

More details


Beth Duckles, Organizational Mycology


Join March’s community call to:

  • Learn about the Oblique Thinking facilitation style
  • Address a challenge your facing as a STEM community manager, and/or help think through someone else’s
  • Meet more members of the CSCCE community of practice during small group activities

February 2023 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 22 February at 11am EST / 4pm UTC

Topic: Creating inclusive community resources and programming

Blog posts: February’s community call | Recap

More details


  • Sara Kobilka, Renaissance Woman Consulting
  • Rebecca Carpenter, Virtual Academic Community Manager, Deaf STEM Community Alliance, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Maya Sanghvi, CSCCE


Join February’s community call to:

  • Find out how you can make your resources and programming more accessible
  • Learn techniques and find out about tools that help you check your outputs for accessibility
  • Contribute to the CSCCE community of practice by co-creating a new resource

January 2023 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 18 January at 11am EST / 4pm UTC

Topic: CSCCE quarterly update

Blog posts: January’s community call | Recap

More details


Join January’s Community Call to:

  • Peak behind the scenes at CSCCE!
  • Connect with CSCCE staff and community members
  • Find out how you can participate as a community member


December 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 14 December at 11am EDT

Topic: Annual Community Potluck

Blog posts: December’s community call | Recap

More details


Our annual potluck is a chance to connect and network with other professionals in STEM who are working to build and nurture communities. We hope you’ll join us to reflect on the past year, look ahead to 2023, and have a little fun before we take a break over the holidays.

November 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 16 November at 11am EDT

Topic: Considering volunteer labor and overlapping communities in STEM

Blog posts: November’s community call | Recap

More details


As more and more organizations turn to community building as a “fix-all” for a range of projects, volunteers are increasingly pulled in multiple directions as they join overlapping communities. In this call, we’ll consider the existing ecosystem of communities in STEM, whether it’s time to rein in the creation of new communities in favor of partnering with existing ones, and how to work with volunteers to reduce member (and ecosystem-level) burnout.

October 2022 Community Call

Date: Thursday, 20 October at 11am EDT (please note that this month’s call will take place on a Thursday due to speaker availability)

Topic: Expectations for community success

Blog posts: October’s community call | Recap

More details


  • Josh Greenberg, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • John Ohab, Fannie and John Hertz Foundation
  • Karthik Ram, UC Berkeley


A common challenge for community managers is meeting a variety of different expectations for what success looks like in their role. In this call, we’ll talk about meeting organizational goals and what funders are looking for, and then brainstorm ways that we can improve upon existing metrics to find ways to meet those expectations.

September 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 28 September at 11am EDT

Topic: Advocating for yourself to chart a career path

Blog posts: September’s Community Call | Recap

More details


In this call, we’ll hear from STEM community managers who have navigated (or are in the process of working through) a career transition, either within their organization or by moving on. We’ll also consider ways that you can advocate for your own advancement, whatever that word might mean to you, and affirm your value to your community members and leaders. 

August 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 17 August at 11am EDT

Topic: The evolving landscape of STEM community manager roles – findings from the CSCCE community manager case studies

Blog posts: July’s community call (This call was originally scheduled to take place on 20 July 2022) | Recap

More details


Join August’s Community Call to:

  • Get a first look at our meta-analysis of 25 interviews with community managers in STEM
  • Learn about common challenges, goals, and skills used by those working as scientific community managers
  • Find out where this research will take us next, and let us know which future directions are most relevant to you

July 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 20 July at 11am EDT POSTPONED UNTIL 17 AUGUST

Topic: The evolving landscape of STEM community manager roles – findings from the CSCCE community manager case studies

June 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 29 June at 11am EDT

Topic: Summer social!

Blog post: June’s Community Call

More details

This will be our third annual summer social, a chance to get to know members of the CSCCE community of practice as well as our staff team. We’re hosting another round of our curated networking forum, which we first ran last summer.

On this month’s call, we’ll set up five one-on-one chats for everyone who registers, and for anyone showing up at the last minute, we’ll have some “random meetup” rooms, too. If you’d like us to help you make new connections, please register here on or before Tuesday, 21 June.

May 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday 18 May at 11am EDT

Topic: Revisiting virtual events

Blog posts: May’s community call | Recap

More details

In 2020, thanks to a grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, we hosted a series of tools trials and created resources to support the pivot to virtual convening. Two years on, and online is the norm for many of us still, with hybrid events becoming more common. In this month’s community call, we’ll take some time to consolidate our learnings in two community writing sprints. The first will be to develop a virtual events glossary (which will live on our website as part of our growing STEM community management glossary), and the second will involved revisiting the fourth part of our virtual events guidebook and refreshing the resources it includes.

April 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 20 April at 11am EDT

Topic: CRM (customer/community relationship management) platforms

Blog posts: April’s community call | Recap

More details


CRMs are database-driven tools that offer a mechanism for tracking activity within a community. However, many of the tools available today were created with a sales and marketing lens and lack some features community managers might find useful. In addition, they can be pricey, making them inaccessible for communities operating on a tight budget. In this month’s call, we’ll hear from three members of our community of practice who are using different platforms, highlighting the pros and cons of each. We’ll also talk about what features we’d find useful, collectively creating a requirements document for the ideal community management platform. 

Join April’s Community Call to:

  • Learn about different CRMs and how you can use them to support community management
  • Share your experience with CRMs; what went well and what do you wish you could change? 
  • Contribute to a co-created community resource to guide CRM selection and/or development


  • Yamina Berchiche, Institute for Protein Innovation
  • Erin Conn, AAAS
  • Chris Hartgerink, Liberate Science

March 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 16 March at 11am EDT

Topic: Scientific community manager roles

Blog posts: March’s community call | Recap

More details


Join March’s Community Call to:

  • Learn about CSCCE’s community manager case studies, and (maybe) sign up to have one made about you. 
  • Find out what research already exists on STEM community manager roles, and volunteer to join our newest working group to continue digging into the topic. 
  • Discuss what it means to be a scientific community manager and how the role varies depending on organizational context.


  • Elisha Wood-Charlson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Malin Sandström, International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
  • Lou Woodley, CSCCE
  • Katie Pratt, CSCCE

February 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 16 February at 11am EST

Topic: Scaffolding for building communities

Blog posts: February’s community call | Recap

More details


Join February’s community call to:

  • Learn about our new guidebook on the role of scaffolding in STEM communities
  • Explore examples of CSCCE’s documents and templates
  • Work on your own organization’s support structure, using CSCCE templates if you’d like
  • Share your experiences and learn from your peers

January 2022 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 19 January at 11am EST

Topic: Project management for community managers

Blog posts: January’s community call | Recap

More details


Join January’s Community Call to:

  • Learn about project management tools and how to deploy them for your needs (we’ll be covering Trello, Asana, Todoist, and Mural)
  • Review how other community managers in STEM are using these platforms for their own strategic planning
  • If you’re considering implementing a platform in your own organization, this is also a great opportunity to ask any burning questions you might have. 


  • Alycia Crall, The Carpentries
  • Ellen Dow, KBase / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
  • Anne Heberger Marino, Lean-To Collaborations
  • Lou Woodley, The CSCCE


December 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 15 December at 11am EDT

Topic: Annual community potluck

Blog posts: December’s community call

Zoom link: join here

More details


Join December’s Community Call to:

  • Mark the end of the calendar year with your fellow community managers
  • Take time for reflection and intention setting
  • Showcase your favorite hat

November 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 17 November at 11am EDT

Topic: Community governance models

Blog posts: November’s community call | Recap

More details


Join November’s Community Call to:

  • Learn about different models of community governance
  • Explore the STEM community ecosystem and the implementation of different governance models
  • Consider how your community runs, and reflect on whether there are ways you could adjust your governance model to be more inclusive, sustainable, or otherwise meet the needs of your members and/or staff


  • Alycia Crall, The Carpentries
  • Lou Woodley, CSCCE

October 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 20 October at 11am EDT

Topic: Community champions

Blog posts: October’s community call | Recap

More details


Join October’s Community Call to:

  • Find out what a community champion is, and why supporting champions is important for maintaining, growing, and/or evolving your community
  • Explore the ways community champions benefit communities, by adding capacity, legitimacy, and/or reach
  • Hear from community managers who are currently running champions programs, and how they have designed these programs to benefit both their organization and the champions themselves


  • Vanessa Fairhurst, Crossref
  • Ailis O’Carroll, eLife
  • Iratxe Puebla, ASAPbio

September 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 22 September at 11am EDT

Topic: Quarterly programming update

Blog posts: September’s community call

More details


Join September’s Community Call to:

  • Find out how you can get involved in CSCCE community programming
  • Meet our newest team member
  • Learn more about our plans for the future
  • Connect with your community

July 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 21 July at 11am EDT

Topic: CSCCE community profiles round 2

Blog posts: July’s community call | Recap

More details


Join July’s Community Call to:

  • Learn more about our research into STEM communities and the people who support them
  • Hear from four members of the CSCCE community of practice, the communities they work with, and how creating a CSCCE profile has impacted their work
  • Let us know that your organization might be interested in creating a profile in the future


  • Lena Karvovskaya, VU Amsterdam
  • Jody Peters, Ecological Forecasting Initiative
  • Kathe Todd-Brown, International Soil Modeling Consortium

June 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 16 June at 11am EDT

Topic: CSCCE Summer Social

Blog posts: June’s community call

More details


Join June’s Community Call to:

  • Make new connections with CSCCE community members and staff
  • Find out more about opportunities to get involved with CSCCE programming
  • Share your news with the community
  • Have fun! 

May 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 19 May at 11am EDT

Topic: CSCCE Community Networking

Blog posts: May’s community call | Recap

More details


In this month’s community call we will curate a networking experience to help you get to know others who are part of the CSCCE community of practice (request to join here). Please note: this month’s event required registration, which has now closed. If you are not already registered, we will not be able to accommodate you on this call, but we hope you will join us for future CSCCE community calls and other events. Keep an eye on our monthly newsletter to stay informed. 

April 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 21 April at 11am EDT

Topic: CSCCE Quarterly Programming Update

Blog posts: April’s community call | Recap

More details


Join April’s Community Call to:

  • Find out what it’s like to build out infrastructure for a new venture
  • Learn more about our online trainings and summer webinars
  • Review what is going on in CSCCE research projects and working groups
  • Let us know what you’d like more or less of in terms of community programming

March 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 17 March at 11am EST

Topic: Virtual and hybrid meeting planning

Blog posts: March’s community call | Recap

More details


Join March’s Community Call to:

  • Find out what works and what doesn’t at virtual meetings
  • Consider accessibility and inclusion for virtual and hybrid events
  • Brainstorm solutions to problems you have encountered, or feedback you have received from event participants
  • Connect with fellow scientific community managers and grow your professional network

February 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 17 February at 11am EST

Topic: Remote working tips

Blog posts: February’s community call | Recap

More details


Join February’s Community Call to:

  • Acquire new strategies to manage remote working during the pandemic (and potentially beyond)
  • Learn from the experiences from other members of the CSCCE community of practice
  • Enhance your network to support you as you manage your community


  • Isabel Mendoza, The Global Plant Council
  • Emily Lescak, Code for Science and society

January 2021 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 27 January at 11am EST

Topic: Resilience

Blog posts: January’s community call | Recap

More details


Join January’s Community Call to:

  • Reflect on the concept of resilience and what it means for community managers
  • Acquire new practices and techniques to help mitigate burnout in your role
  • Share your own insights, experiences, and resources
  • Connect with other members of the CSCCE community of practice to build your peer support network


Jennifer Davison, Assistant Dean for Research and Director of Urban@UW, University of Washington


December 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 16 December at 2pm EST

Topic: A virtual potluck holiday party for scientific community managers

Blog post: December’s community call

More details


Join us for an end-of-year celebration and knowledge exchange! We’ll be hosting a virtual potluck which means what we share together depends on what the attendees bring. Please select a starter/appetizer, main/entree or dessert from the prompts below and email to let us know what you plan to bring. No need to prep slides – this is intended to be informal, sociable and fun!


What three words or short phrases would you choose to describe your community-building work this year? In two or three sentences maximum explain your choices, if you wish. This is intended to be a relatively quick-fire warm up.

e.g. “COVID COVID COVID, ”“Over-stretched,” “scaling to survive,” “delegation over perfection”. “We had so much planned for this year, but with the pandemic we had to completely change our programming. We ran our first online conference, which went really well, but it took way more planning than we anticipated. And the feedback we got from our community was really positive.”


Describe something that you’ve learned in 2020 that might be of benefit to other members of the CSCCE community. It could be a great new online tool, a good book you read, a favorite blog post, a new model or framework or anything else that you want to share. Take 3 -5 mins to talk us through it – with screenshare if you’d like.

e.g. “My team and I developed a really cool virtual icebreaker, and I’d love to demo it with the group! It will only take 5 minutes. Here’s how it works…”


What are you looking forward to working on in 2021? Is there something that might benefit from the input of other CSCCE community members?

e.g. “I’m going to be launching an ambassador program for my community in late Spring. I’d love to chat with others who’ve done something similar about what metrics they’ve used to evaluate their programs.”

November 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 18 November at 2pm EST

Topic: Shaping future CSCCE programming

Blog post: November’s community call | Recap

More details


Join November’s Community Call to:

  • Offer feedback on the direction of CSCCE programming to continue to support the transition online over the next few months. 
  • Sign-up to co-create to new resources or co-host activities in collaboration with CSCCE staff. 
  • Connect with other  scientific community managers and convenors in small group activities. 

October 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 21 October at 2pm EST

Topic: How communities can instigate culture change in scholarly communications

Blog posts: October’s community call | Recap

Video archives: Ganley | Wilkinson | Puebla

More details


Join October’s Community Call to:

  • Hear from community managers working to instigate culture change in scholarly communications
  • Gain tips and best practices for community building for culture change in your own organization
  • Celebrate the first birthday of the CSCCE’s CoP! 


  • Emma Ganley,
  • Laura Wilkinson, ORCID/CrossRef
  • Iratxe Puebla, ASAPbio

September 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 23 September at 2pm EST

Topic: CSCCE Community Profiles research project

Blog posts: September’s Community Call | Recap

Video archives: Woodley & Kobilka | Hsu | Palfy | van Tuyl

More details


Join September’s Community Call to:

  • Learn more about CSCCE’s community profiles project
  • Hear from community members who took part in the project and learn about their communities
  • Find out how you can get involved in future CSCCE research projects and programming


  • Lou Woodley, CSCCE
  • Sara Kobilka, Renaissance Woman Consulting
  • Leslie Hsu, USGS Community for Data Integration
  • Mate Palfy, preLights
  • Steve Van Tuyl, the Academic Data Science Alliance

August 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 26 August at 2pm EST

Topic: Member engagement and the CSCCE Community Participation Model

Blog posts: August’s Community Call | Recap

Video archives: Woodley | Hanlon | Wood-Charlson

More details


Join August’s Community Call to:

  • Learn more about the CSCCE Community Participation Model
  • Hear from community members who have implemented strategies informed by the model
  • Join a discussion on how this might apply in a variety of scenarios


  • Shane Hanlon – “(Re)building a community from small beginnings to…small middles”
  • Elisha Wood-Charlson – “Building tiered engagement to (hopefully) meet community members where they are”

July 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 22 July at 2pm EST

Topic: Planning and evaluating accessible virtual events

Blog posts: July’s Community Call | Recap

Video archive: All talks

More details


Join July’s Community Call to:

  • Learn more about planning and testing your virtual event ahead of time
  • Consider access and accessibility when hosting a virtual event
  • Find new ways of evaluating whether your event will (or has) accomplish(ed) your goals


  • Tom Quigley – “It’s Dangerous To Go Alone, Take This – Non-Player Characters & Prepping For Your Virtual Event”
  • Rebecca Carpenter – “It’s All About Access: Planning Meetings for Wider Audiences”
  • Emily Lescak – “Evaluating Virtual Events”

June 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 17 June at 1pm EST

Topic: CSCCE Summer Social

Blog post: June’s Community Call

More details


Join June’s Community Call to:

  • Get to know your CSCCE community of practice colleagues
  • Make new professional connections
  • Have some fun! 

At the CSCCE summer social we’ll host a series of breakout room networking activities intended to give you the chance to have small group chats with your new and existing colleagues.

No preparation is required to attend the call – simply come along with an openness to meet others and have some fun along the way!


  • Everyone!

May 2020 Community Call

Date: Monday, 18 May at noon EST

Topic: The CSCCE core values and co-creating a community code of conduct

Blog posts: May’s community call | Recap

More details


Join May’s community call to:

  • Find out more about how we are working with CSCCE members to co-create a code of conduct.
  • Offer comment on our initial core values statement.
  • Be the first to know how we will proceed from here and when a code of conduct draft will be available for review.


The CSCCE Code of Conduct Working Group:

  • Arne Bakker
  • Arielle Bennett-Lovell
  • Chiara Bertipaglia
  • Alycia Crall
  • Emily Lescak
  • Katie Pratt
  • Tracy Teal
  • Steve van Tuyl
  • Lou Woodley (chair)

April 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 22 April at 2pm EST

Topic: Exploring diversity, equity and inclusion as a community manager

Blog posts: April’s Community Call | Recap

More details


Join April’s Community Call to:

  • Find out more about running online events designed to be engaging for participants.
  • Hear from the CEFP 2019 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Project Team.
  • Explore the ideas highlighted in their DEI tip sheets, which will be available soon as part of our new resources section.
  • Discuss and share your own thoughts and experiences with the CSCCE community of practice.


CEFP2019 project team: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  •  Kate Baker (presenting)
  •  Ellen Bechtol
  •  Rayna Harris (presenting)
  •  Camille Santistevan (presenting)

March 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 18 March at 2pm EST

Topic: Community ambassador programs – what do they look like and what motivates the participants? Comparing the views of community managers and community members from CEFP surveys in 2017 and 2019.

Blog posts: March’s Community Call | Recap

Video archives: Busy Bees | Advocacy Ninjas

More details


Join March’s Community Call to:

  • Learn more about the survey of community ambassador programs carried out by the CEFP2017 project team, the Advocacy Ninjas
  • Learn more about what motivates community ambassadors from an early analysis of survey data gathered by the CEFP2019 project team, the Busy Bees.
  • Discuss existing ambassador programs in scientific communities
  • Meet and connect with others running scientific community ambassador programs


CEFP2017 project team: Advocacy Ninjas

  • Allen Pope (presenting)
  • Rosanna Volchok (presenting)

CEFP2019 project team: Busy Bees

  • Toby Hodges (attending)
  • Naomi Penfold (presenting)
  • Kathryne Woodle (presenting)

February 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 19 February at 2pm EST

Topic: Next steps in our Community Profiles project

Blog post: February’s Community Call

More details


One of the activities that we’re focusing on in 2020 is building out a collection of downloadable Community Profiles of different scientific communities. These are intended to help scientific community managers find others who are trying – or have succeeded – at similar programming to their own.

As we start to ramp up this project, we’d like to introduce it in more detail and gather feedback about what would be most useful to you.

Join February’s Community Call to:

  • Learn more about the Community Profiles project
  • Share three key facts about your own scientific community (visit the blog post above for more details)
  • Learn from others on the call about their communities
  • Suggest questions that you would like downloadable Community Profiles to help you to answer


CSCCE community members. This will be a facilitated discussion aimed at helping us to continue to get to know one another and to build out resources that meet our collective needs.

January 2020 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 29 January at 2pm EST

Topic: Entering the new phase of CSCCE community programming – survey results, new working groups and what else is coming in 2020.

Blog post: January’s Community Call

More details


Join us to discuss:

  • Initial results of our first survey of the members of our community of practice on Slack
  • Opportunities to join some initial working groups
  • CSCCE’s advisory board
  • What else is coming – and you’d like participate in – in 2020.


Lou Woodley, CSCCE Director – and you!


December 2019 Community Call

Wednesday, 18 December at 2pm EST– Community holiday party.

Topic: A virtual potluck holiday party for scientific community managers

Blog post: You’re invited to a virtual potluck holiday party!

More details

Abstract: Join us for an end-of-year celebration and knowledge exchange! We’ll be hosting a virtual potluck which means what we share together depends on what the attendees bring. Please select a starter/appetizer, main/entree or dessert from the prompts in the blog post and email to let us know what you plan to bring. No need to prep slides – this is intended to be informal, sociable and fun!

November 2019 Community Call

Date: Wednesday, 20 November at 2pm EST

Topic: An introduction to the four types of communities that we observe in science

Blog post: Join November’s community call!

More details


In our work with scientific communities to date, we’ve identified different types of scientific communities – and different ways that they describe the community engagement role within their communities. This had led to a working model of four broad scientific community types that we’re eager to test and iterate!

Join us for a brief description of the four community types followed by lightning talk presentations from existing scientific community managers about how they think about their own communities (and how they might be different from the model).


Inaugural Community Call – October 2019

Date: Wednesday October 30th 2019 at 2pm EST

Topic: An introduction to the work of CSCCE and nurturing a community of practice (CoP) for scientific community engagement professionals.

Blog post: Join our first CSCCE community call!

More details


In our inaugural CSCCE community call, CSCCE Director Lou Woodley will give a brief overview of the activities of the Center and lead a discussion about what a community of practice for scientific community engagement managers could look like. We’ll discuss details of the new Slack group, the creation of community profiles and more. Please bring questions and suggestions for a rich discussion. All welcome!