CSCCE on the road

CSCCE staff deliver talks and workshops in a range of settings – including at conferences and events hosted by others. Below is a list of some of the events that we’ve participated in – in addition to our consultancy and grant work.


Science of Team Science (30 July – 1 August 2024) – Lou Woodley and Camille Santistevan will share our evaluation of the impact of Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals in an oral presentation.

CZI Open Science Meeting (June 2024) – Lou Woodley and Camille Santistevan participated in the conference and co-hosted a “birds of a feather” session on transitions in scientific open-source projects.


Reclone Symposium 6.0 (October 2023) – Lou Woodley gave keynote at the symposium, which focused on “Building Scientific Communities through Open Science Research: Education, Communication, and Collaboration.”

RSECON23 (September 2023) – Lou Woodley talked about the fundamentals of creating a community of practice at this annual gathering for Research Software Engineers.

CZI Open Science Meeting (April 2023) – Lou Woodley participated in the conference, which focused on accelerating open science in Latin America.


13th Annual International Science of Team Science Conference (31 July – 3 August 2022) – We presented our community manager case studies and what they tells us about the human infrastructure ecosystem in STEM.

14th Annual NORDP Research Development Conference (April 2022) – Lou Woodley and CSCCE Community of Practice member Melissa Vaught convened a session on sustainability in community projects.

Informatics Technology for Cancer Research’s Framing and Outreach Working Group (March 2022) – Lou Woodley presented five common questions about community-building – and resources to help answer them.

Code for Science & Society Digital Infrastructure Incubator (March 2022) – Lou Woodley talked about how to support members who volunteer their time to further a community’s mission.


NMDC Community Conversation: Developing Data Science Resources in Partnership with Scientific Communities (December 2021) – Lou Woodley presented the CSCCE Community Participation Model, highlighting the importance of supporting community “champions.”

AGU 2021 Fall Meeting (December 2021) Participating virtually, Katie Pratt presented on the topic of collaboration guides and CSCCE community profiles in two different sessions at this year’s Fall Meeting.

2021 Inclusive SciComm Symposium (October 2021) – We hosted an interactive session focused on inclusive language in science communication, which included a game of Lingo Bingo and the beginnings of a new inclusive scicomm glossary. 

Virtual SciDataCon 2021 (October 2021) – CSCCE Director Lou Woodley took part in a session on “Building learning communities.”

Japan Scicom Forum (October 2021) At this event we be hosted a workshop focused on planning engaging virtual events, with activities that built on our PACT framework

Code for Science and Society Grantee Seminar Series (April 2021) – Center Director Lou Woodley and Trainer Jenny East hosted an interactive webinar on “Selecting and testing online tools for hosting engaging virtual events.”

Building Research Software Communities: How to increase engagement in your community (March 2021) – Hosted two interactive workshop sessions that walked participants through the CSCCE Community Participation Model and the role of Community Champions.


AGU Fall Meeting (December 2020) – Co-convened a session at the 2020 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, which was held entirely online. Session title: Inclusive Research Collaboration and Learning in a Virtual Environment.

JROST 2020 Conference (December 2020) –We convened a panel titled “Supporting collaborative projects – how community managers design programming for different levels of participation.” The panel was moderated by Center Director Lou Woodley, and featured CSCCE community of practice members Rachael Ainsworth, Emily Lescak, Malin Sandström, and Elisha Wood-Charlson, and staff member Katie Pratt. Notes from the session.

CZI Essential Open Source Software (EOSS) Meeting (December 2020) – Center Director Lou Woodley hosted a workshop on CSCCE’s Community Participation Model for participants in the meeting, who were all grantees of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Open Source Community Call cohosted by Force 11, Dryad, and eLife (September 2020) – Center Director Lou Woodley presented an overview of CSCCE’s mission and recent outputs. Notes from the call.

Science of Team Science conference (June 2020) – Led a 90-minute interactive workshop on values-based approaches to collaborative work with CEFP2019 Fellow, Chiara Bertipaglia.

CESTEMER – Cultivating Ensembles in STEM workshop (January 2020) – Participant in a two day workshop considering the role of play in building community and collaborations.


The SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists Symposium – keynote speaker (December 2019)

DataONE community call (November 2019) – An introduction to community engagement within science – supporting the human infrastructure for collaboration.

numfocus summit (Sunday 3rd November 2019) – Remote presentation about community-building skills and applying then in open source projects.

DORA meeting – “Driving Institutional Change for Research Assessment Reform” at HHMI (October 2019) – Virtual plenary talk about how systems thinking can be applied to research assessment. Will also be webcast for an external audience.

The Engine Room webinar (18th September 2019) – Virtual panel discussion about building online communities of practice and creating community guidelines

FSCI 2019 – Future of Scholarly Communications Institute (August 2019) – Co-hosted a course at this week-long training titled “Help! How do I become a culture change agent for Open Science in my organization?” (LW)

CESTEMER – Cultivating Ensembles in STEM conference (June 2019) – Led a workshop exploring joy as a product of healthy collaboration (LW)

Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) conference (May 2019) – Co-organized and chaired an interactive panel on “Collective Action: Community Approaches to Scholarly Communications” (LW)

Science of Team Science conference (May 2019) – Led a half day interactive workshop on creating community playbooks for scientific collaborations (LW).

AAAS annual meeting (February 2019) – Organized and facilitated a session about “Creating culturally responsive online communities of practice.” (LW)

SciOut – next steps workshop (February 2019) – Co-led a working group focused on approaches to building a community of practice of science outreach practitioners using the collective impact framework (LW)


AGU conference (December 2018) – Poster presentation and speaker at an informal seminar on “Project Management and Community management in the arctic and earth sciences”

Charleston conference (November 2018) – Session chair and co-organizer for discussion session on “Collective Action: Community Approaches to Scholarly Communications.” (LW)

Kavli Foundation network of networks meeting (October 2018) – Invited participant to a workshop discussing science communication and engagement networks and priority areas for future work (LW)

URSSI workshop (October 2018) – Invited participant to the Chicago workshop for scoping a US Research Software Sustainability Institute. Led a workshop session on community theory and community activities (LW)

SciOut conference on science outreach – metrics, models and measures (October 2018) – Presentation about Communities of Practice theory (LW)

NSF invited seminar (June 2018) – Presentation and discussion with CEFP2017 Fellow, Elisha Wood-Charlson about “Community engagement for research collaborations”(LW)

AAAS Committee on Opportunities in Science (February 2018) – Co-led a two-hour session on the NSF INCLUDES Open Forum group, soliciting suggestions from committee members of key topics and resources for the group.

American Physical Society seminar (January 2018) – Led an hour-long seminar on community engagement within science including discussion.

NSF INCLUDES PI meeting (January 2018) – Presented a poster and launched the NSF INCLUDES Open Forum community of practice on Trellis.


NSF EPSCoR National Meeting (November 2017) – Co-organizer and speaker in a 90-minute session focused on team science and community engagement (LW)

Mozilla Science Lab community call (October 2017) – Led a discussion about the Connect-Align-Produce model of social-impact community formation and how it relates to efforts in the Open Science space (LW)

The CRConnect (October 2017) – Panelist in a discussion on the role of trust in organizations. Led a roundtable discussion about models for identifying community manager skillsets (LW)

Numfocus community manager virtual get-together (September 2017) – Led an online video meetup for open science community managers, encouraging the discussion of their roles, skillsets and possible future collaborations as a cohort (LW)

NSF Science and Technology Center meeting – A Seat At The Virtual Table: Inclusive Practices for Multi-Institutional Scientific Teams (August 2017) – Invited participant (LW)

What’s a wicked problem? (August 2017) – Contributor to an invited closed roundtable discussion about addressing complex problems (LW)

iUTAH EPSCOR site visit (July 2017) – Spent a week shadowing iUTAH EPSCOR’s Assistant Director and CEFP2017 Fellow, Andy Leidolf, to gain first-hand experience of a statewide research collaboration. Included giving two seminars about scientific community engagement (LW)

Intereach webinar (July 2017) – Co-presented a 90 minute webinar about community engagement in science and the AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program with CEFP2017 Fellow, Jen Davison (LW)

Netweaving workshop (June 2017) – Invited participant at this one-day workshop of netweavers in STEM including discussions of network organizing and netweaving as a community management role (LW).

Science of Team Science meeting (June 2017) – Presenter in workshop on collaborative technologies, a workshop on community engagement within science and session chair for a panel on collaboration in industry and academia.

Seminar at Fauna and Flora International, Cambridge (May 2017) – Invited to lead a 90 minute seminar on community engagement within science by CEFP2017 Fellow, Stephanie O’Donnell (LW)

STM Society Day (April 2017) – Panelist on a session on “Societies, Scholarly Research, and the Public” – discussed building a science policy ecosystem on Trellis (LW)

Lunch n Learn at AAAS (March 2017) – Led an hour-long interactive journal club session on the community lifecycle model for AAAS staff (LW)

AAAS annual meeting (February 2017) – Session co-organiser and speaker, “Tools for building and enhancing scholarly communities on the web” (LW)

Mozilla Science Lab community call (February 2017) – led a discussion about community engagement within science and the AAAS Community Engagement Fellowship Program in this monthly call (LW)


Mozilla All-Hands meeting (December 2016) – Invited guest at the week-long Mozilla All Hands meeting – contributed to sessions on community building, community member interviews, diversity and inclusion, member onboarding and more (LW)

The CRConnect (October 2016) – Speaker in a lightning talk session discussing “Using the CR’s State of Community Management Survey to inform curriculum development for scientific community managers” (LW)

ESOF 2016 (July 2016) – Panelist in sessions on “Are scientists switched onto the effects of social media” and “Building interdisciplinary collaborations” (LW)

Community Leadership Summit (May 2016) – Led unconference sessions on community manager training and remote working and participated in discussions on session formats for including introverts and community manager burnout (LW)