The next CSCCE community call will take place on 16 March at 11am EDT / 3pm UTC (add to your calendar: Google | iCal). We’ll be talking about what it looks like to be a community manager in a variety of settings; from scientific societies to research collaborations and everything in between.
We’ll also be talking about our newest resource, a series of community manager case studies that we’ll be releasing every Tuesday this Spring, starting on 9 March. And, we’ll hear from the C3 project team from CEFP 2017 as we kick off a new community working group building on their research.
Read on for more information, or click here to join the Zoom call.

CSCCE Community Manager Case Studies
Our newest resource collection builds on a series of interviews we conducted in 2016 that asked 10 scientific community managers what their jobs were like and why they mattered. Now, after growing an almost 400-member community of practice and seeing how the profession has expanded and evolved, we decided it was time to reach out again and add to our knowledge base.
In this month’s call, we’ll take a look at the first couple of case studies (they’re coming out every Tuesday this Spring, starting tomorrow) and how we’re creating them. We’ll also take some time for participants to share their own experiences, and compare different community management priorities and strategies.
Continuing our research with you
This work is part of a concerted effort to learn more about what it means to be a community manager in STEM, how people end up in these roles, and the ways that CSCCE can constructively support the professionals who do this work. Last year we published one of the research products from the C3 project team from our CEFP 2017 cohort: The CSCCE Skills Wheel. The C3 team also collected additional data on day-to-day tasks and where community manager positions fit within organizational structures. On the call, we’ll hear more about these data from two of the members of the team, who will be spearheading a new working group along with CSCCE staff this spring.
If getting involved in this research sounds interesting to you, please reach out to for more information about what it means to participate in a CSCCE working group (or, attend the call!).
March’s call
Join March’s Community Call to:
- Learn about CSCCE’s community manager case studies, and (maybe) sign up to have one made about you.
- Find out what research already exists on STEM community manager roles, and volunteer to join our newest working group to continue digging into the topic.
- Discuss what it means to be a scientific community manager and how the role varies depending on organizational context.
- Elisha Wood-Charlson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- Malin Sandström, International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility
- Lou Woodley, CSCCE
- Katie Pratt, CSCCE
How to join
March’s call will take place on Wednesday, 16 March at 3pm UTC / 11am US Eastern Time.
Our calls are hosted in Zoom – simply click here and we’ll see you in the webinar!
Video or not? You’re welcome to turn on your webcam if you like but fine if you prefer just to use audio.
Our community calls last 90 minutes, but we will do our best to ensure that all of the presentations take place in the first hour, in case you have to leave early. The last 30 minutes is generally reserved for open discussion and Q&A with the presenters and other participants on the call. Come for the hour – or for the full 90 mins, as your schedule permits!
Please note: We’ll be recording the presentations so that others who couldn’t make it can catch up later. The discussion section and any Q&A are not recorded.
Our community calls usually take place on the third Wednesday of every month at 11am Eastern, but occasionally times and dates vary depending on speaker availability so please keep an eye on our calendar of events.
Wonder what we’ve talked about in previous calls? The archive listings can be found here, with select recordings available on YouTube.
Not yet in our Slack group? Request to join here.
Further resources
We curate a growing collection of resources for community managers on our website. If you have any questions about our work, or are interested in partnering with us on a future project, please contact