December’s Community Call: you’re invited to a virtual pot luck holiday party!

2019 has been a big year for CSCCE and with the holiday season rapidly approaching we thought we’d enter into the festive community-building spirit for our last community call of the year. So please join us on December 18th at 2pm Eastern for a virtual gathering designed to help us continue to get to know one another, celebrate the successes and things we learned this year, and look ahead to 2020.

December’s call

Topic: A virtual potluck holiday party for scientific community managers

Abstract: Join us for an end-of-year celebration and knowledge exchange! We’ll be hosting a virtual potluck which means what we share together depends on what the attendees bring. Please select a starter/appetizer, main/entree or dessert from the prompts below and email to let us know what you plan to bring. No need to prep slides – this is intended to be informal, sociable and fun!

Starter/Appetizer (warm up round!)

What three words or short phrases would you choose to describe your community-building work this year? In two or three sentences maximum explain your choices, if you wish. This is intended to be a relatively quick-fire warm up.

e.g. “Over-stretched”, “scaling to survive”, “delegation over perfection”. “We started this year trying to manage an ever-growing number of working groups which meant the community team of two was completely over-stretched. We realized that we needed to start delegating some of the management of these groups to community leaders – and set expectations about reporting out from them so that projects stayed on track. After 2 months of prepping this new way of working, we’ve introduced it across the community and seen a lot of success – and feel way less stressed as a result.”


Describe something that you’ve learned in 2019 that might be of benefit to other members of the CSCCE community. It could be a great new online tool, a good book you read, a favorite blog post, a new model or framework or anything else that you want to share. Take 3 -5 mins to talk us through it – with screenshare if you’d like.

e.g. “The book I most enjoyed this year about community-building was ABC. It outlines how to launch a community from scratch – including the key pieces of research that you should do first, and how to plan your content and programming for the first 6 months of the community. I really liked the balance of templates and suggestions with the case studies by others who had used them.”


What are you looking forward to working on in 2020? Is there something that might benefit from the input of other CSCCE community members?

e.g. “I’m going to be launching an ambassador program for my community in late Spring. I’d love to chat with others who’ve done something similar about what metrics they’ve used to evaluate their programs.”

How to join

December’s call will take place on Wednesday 18th at 2pm Eastern.

Our calls are hosted in Zoom – simply click the link and we’ll see you there!

Video or not? You’re welcome to turn on your webcam if you like but fine if you prefer just to use audio.

Please note: We’ll be recording the calls so that others who couldn’t make it can catch up later.

Coming in 2020

Can’t make this call? Our programming will continue in the new year – when our community calls will continue to explore different types of communities within science with guest speakers from a range of different scientific communities.

Our community calls usually take place once per month on the third Wednesday of every month at 2pm Eastern. Because of the CEFP2019 wrap-up meeting, January’s call will be on Wednesday January 22nd.

Not yet in our Slack group? Request to join here.