CSCCE Community Profiles

Scientific communities can come in a range of different configurations – from those hosted by professional associations to large-scale research collaborations. The CSCCE Community Profiles provide a snapshot of each community featured, highlighting member demographics, programming, funding and what community management looks like.


This project was conceived and led by CSCCE’s Director, Lou Woodley, with significant input from CSCCE’s Communications Director, Katie Pratt in the development of the final profiles. There have been two phases to this project to date – the first in 2019/2020 and the second in 2021. In both phases, Sara Kobilka, an independent consultant, worked with us on survey design and data collection. In phase one, the Community Profiles working group additionally gave valuable feedback on survey design and the initial profile format.

Goals of the project

The word “community” has been broadly adopted by many organizations to describe groups that range from newsletter recipients to highly active working groups. Different community configurations may reflect different goals, stages of maturity, and levels of community management support. So how can you as a community manager, senior manager or funder know what’s possible with the resources you have available? We initiated this project in order to:

  • Support existing scientific community managers in finding information and inspiration from other community efforts – including community managers to reach out to.
  • Start standardizing the way that scientific communities are described to allow easier comparison and setting of expectations – by community managers, senior managers, funders and evaluators.
  • Share observations and make recommendations based on what we learn from our taxonomy development and data curation.

How the project was carried out

Planning for the CSCCE Community Profiles started in 2019 and the work on the first round of 13 profiles took place in 2020. Data was gathered using a custom survey – developed with feedback from the CSCCE community profiles working group – and translated into a standardized profile template to allow comparison between the featured communities. The resulting profiles, which incorporate CSCCE’s own frameworks for describing communities and community member engagement, are available for download from the links below.

We revisited the profile format and the survey in 2021, making updates which resulted in the current three-page profile format of the phase two profiles below. All of the profiles in this growing collection are now listed alphabetically on this page and you can use the publication date to determine which phase the profile was created in.

We welcome feedback on these profiles and hope to expand and update the collection, based on demand. We will be releasing additional profiles in September 2021.

If you would like to work with us to create a profile about your own community please fill out this short form, or contact us at with any other questions.

Special collections

We partner with clients to create special collections of community profiles that focus on specific domains or projects within the STEM ecosystem. If you are interested in learning more about how to work with us in this way, including adding a profiles project to your grant proposal, please email

Special collections to date:

Further information

CSCCE Community Profiles 

CSCCE Community Profiles are currently listed alphabetically.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, I, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, U


Community Profile: The Academic Data Science Alliance

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Steve Van Tuyl

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Academic Data Science Alliance. Data was provided by Steve Van Tuyl, Community Coordinator.

Community Profile: Accelerating Medicines Partnership in Alzheimer’s Disease (AMP-AD)

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Zoe Leanza

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Accelerating Medicines Partnership in Alzheimer’s Disease (AMP-AD). Data was provided by Zoe Leanza, Communications Manager.

Community Profile: Advanced Science Research Center, City University of New York

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Annette “Nina” Gray

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Advanced Science Research Community (ASRC) at City University of New York (CUNY). Data was provided by Annette “Nina” Gray, Executive Director.

Community Profile: Arctic Data Center

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Erin McLean

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Arctic Data Center at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS). Data was provided by Erin McLean, Community Engagement and Outreach Coordinator.

Community Profile: ASAPbio Community

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Iratxe Puebla

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the ASAPbio Community. Data was provided by Iratxe Puebla, Associate Director.


Community Profile: Bioconductor

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Aedin Culhane, and Maria Doyle.

October 31, 2023

This CSCCE Community Profile features Bioconductor. Data was provided by Aedin Culhane and Maria Doyle.


Community Profile: The Carpentries

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Serah Njambi Rono

October 9, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features The Carpentries. Data was provided by Serah Njambi Rono, Director of Community Development and Engagement.

Community Profile: CSCCE’s Community of Practice

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features CSCCE’s community of practice. Data was provided by Lou Woodley, Center Director.

CSCCE Community Profile: Challenge and Prize Community of Practice

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Alison Parker, and Jarah Meador

November 8, 2021

This CSCCE x Wilson Center Community Profile features the Challenge and Prize Community of Practice. Data was provided by Jarah Meador, Director of Open Innovation at the General Services Administration.

CSCCE Community Profile: Code for Science & Society

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Alison Parker, and Danielle Robinson

November 8, 2021

This CSCCE x Wilson Center Community Profile features the Code for Science & Society community. Data was provided by Danielle Robinson, Executive Director.

Community Profile: Code for Science & Society Event Fund

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Emily Lescak

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Code for Science & Society Event Fund. Data was provided by Emily Lescak, Conference Fund Manager.

Community Profile: Community for Data Integration, US Geological Survey

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Leslie Hsu

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Community for Data Integration (CDI) at the US Geological Survey (USGS). Data was provided by Leslie Hsu, Coordinator.


Community Profile: Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Academic Community (DHHVAC)

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Rebecca Carpenter

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Virtual Academic Community (DHHVAC) at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Data was provided by Rebecca Carpenter, Community Manager.


Community Profile: Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Megan Carter

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP). Data was provided by Megan Carter, Director of Community.

Community Profile: Ecological Forecasting Initiative

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Jody Peters

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Ecological Forecasting Initiative. Data was provided by Jody Peters, Program Director.


Community Profile: The FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) Working Group

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Paula Andrea Martinez

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) Working Group. Data was provided by Paula Andrea Martinez, Community Manager.

Community Profile: Fab Lab Network

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Alison Parker, and Norella Coronell

February 3, 2022

This CSCCE x Wilson Center Community Profile features the Fab Lab Network. Data was provided by Norella Coronell, Program Manager, Community Relations and Outreach.


Community Profile: Gathering for Open Science Hardware

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Alison Parker, and Brianna Johns

November 2, 2021

This CSCCE x Wilson Center Community Profile features the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) community. Data was provided by Brianna Johns, Community Coordinator.

Community Profile: Global Plant Council

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Isabel Mendoza-Poudereux

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Global Plant Council. Data was provided by Isabel Mendoza-Poudereux, Chief Communications Officer.


Community Profile: International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Langley DeWitt

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) Project. Data was provided by Langley DeWitt, Director.

Community Profile: International Soil Modeling Consortium

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka,Roland Baatze

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the International Soil Modeling Consortium. Data was provided by Roland Baatz, Researcher and Managing Director.


Community Profile: Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Marty Downs

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network. Data was provided by Marty Downs, Director, LTER Network Office.


Community Profile: Microbiome Research Community, Lawrence Berkeley Lab

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Pajau Vangay

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Microbiome Data Community, Lawrence Berkeley Lab. Data was provided by Pajau Vangay, Community Engagement Manager.


Community Profile: Nation of Makers

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Alison Parker, and Dorothy Jones-Davis

November 2, 2021

This CSCCE x Wilson Center Community Profile features the Nation of Makers community. Data was provided by Dorothy Jones-Davis, Executive Director.


Community Profile: Open Source Hardware Association

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Alison Parker, and Eric Carlson

November 2, 2021

This CSCCE x Wilson Center Community Profile features the Open Science Hardware Association (OSHWA). Data was provided by Eric Carlson, Outreach Manager.

Community Profile: Open WIN

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Cassandra Gould van Praag

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Open WIN Community at the University of Oxford. Data was provided by Cassandra Gould van Praag, Community Engagement Coordinator.


Community Profile: preLights, Company of Biologists

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Mate Palfy

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features preLights, by the Company of Biologists. Data was provided by Mate Palfy, Community Manager.


Community Profile: RDM Community (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Lena Karvovskaya

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Research Data Management Community at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Data was provided by Lena Karvovskaya, RDM Community Manager.

Community Profile: rOpenSci

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Stefanie Butland, Karthik Ram

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features rOpenSci. Data was provided by Stefanie Butland, Community Manager, and Karthik Ram.


Community Profile: Society Civic Science Initiative

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Rose Hendricks

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Society Civic Science Initiative of the American Society for Cell Biology. Data was provided by Rose Hendricks, Program Director.

Community Profile: Software Sustainability Institute Research Software Community

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Rachael Ainsworth

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the Software Sustainability Institute’s Research Software Community. Data was provided by Rachael Ainsworth, Research Software Community Manager.

Community Profile: STEP UP

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Anne Kornahrens

July 20, 2021

This CSCCE Community Profile features the STEP UP Community. Data was provided by Anne Kornahrens, Project Manager.


Community Profile: Urban @UW, University of Washington

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Jennifer Davison

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features Urban @uW at the University of Washington. Data was provided by Jennifer Davison, interim Executive Director.

Community Profile: UK Research Software Engineering community

by Lou Woodley, Katie Pratt, Sara Kobilka, Claire Wyatt

September 22, 2020

This CSCCE Community Profile features the UK Research Software Engineering community. Data was provided by Claire Wyatt, Community Manager.

Community calls

On our September 2020 community call, Lou and Sara shared an overview of this project:

Three of the community managers who took part in this project (Leslie Hsu, Steve Van Tuyl, and Mate Palfy) also shared the impact creating a profile for their community had on their work:

Our July 2021 community call also featured this project, with three more community managers (Kathe Todd-Brown, Lena Karvovskaya, and Jody Peters) sharing their profiles: