December’s Community Call: Annual community potluck!

Every year (OK, this is only the third time, but still…) we host a virtual community potluck for our community of practice. Much like a traditional potluck, where guests bring an item to share in a multi-course meal, we’ll have a variety of activities (courses) and ways for you to “share your dish.” 

Read on for more information, or if you’re just here for the key details, we hope to see you on Wednesday, 15 December at 4pm UTC / 11am EST. You can join the Zoom room here.

Join us for our annual community potluck, a social gathering for members of our community or anyone interested in connecting with community managers in STEM. Image credit: CSCCE

What to expect at this year’s CSCCE potluck

We’ll be dividing up the 90 minutes of our call into four courses, with both main room and breakout room activities. You’ll have the opportunity to share how you’ve been effectively facilitating ice breakers, reflect on your successes and challenges from the past year, and connect with other members of the community of practice. 

We also plan on offering a game of CSCCE’s Lingo Bingo, an option to take time for mindful movement, and a group photo in which we encourage you to get creative! Think silly hats, fun Zoom backgrounds, and props (and of course, if you want to attend but not be in the picture, you can always turn off your camera). 

Since this is a social event we won’t be recording the call. Instead, we hope you’ll come and enjoy the company of your fellow community members at the end of another incredibly challenging year. 

December’s call


Join December’s Community Call to:

  • Mark the end of the calendar year with your fellow community managers
  • Take time for reflection and intention setting
  • Showcase your favorite hat

How to join

December’s call will take place on Wednesday, 15 December at 4pm UTC / 11am US Eastern Time. Please note this is an earlier time that 2020’s calls to be more accessible for all of our members. 

Our calls are hosted in Zoom – simply click here and we’ll see you in the webinar!

Video or not? You’re welcome to turn on your webcam if you like but fine if you prefer just to use audio.

Our community calls last 90 minutes, but we understand if you have to leave early. Come for the hour – or for the full 90 mins, as your schedule permits!


Our community calls usually take place on the third Wednesday of every month at 11am Eastern, but occasionally times and dates vary depending on speaker availability so please keep an eye on our calendar of events.

Wonder what we’ve talked about in previous calls? The archive listings can be found here, with select recordings available on YouTube.

Not yet in our Slack group? Request to join here.