Introducing the 2019 Community Engagement Fellows!

Introducing the 2019 cohort of CSCCE Community Engagement Fellows – #CEFP2019 We’re thrilled to be able to introduce the second class of CSCCE Community Engagement Fellows, generously funded by the … Continue reading “Introducing the 2019 Community Engagement Fellows!”

Introducing the 2019 cohort of CSCCE Community Engagement Fellows – #CEFP2019

We’re thrilled to be able to introduce the second class of CSCCE Community Engagement Fellows, generously funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The Fellows are professionals who build and nurture communities and collaborations within science – whether that’s on behalf of scientific societies, research collaborations or other convening organizations.


Typically those who enter scientific community engagement roles have limited access to professional development in community-building and are therefore often self-taught. As the flagship training of the Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE), the Community Engagement Fellows Program aims to provide support and resources for scientific community managers as well as creating a peer network for them to share and learn from one another on an ongoing basis.

What will the CEFP 2019 Fellowship year look like?

The CEFP Fellowship will begin in mid-January when the Fellows gather for a week-long in-person training at AAAS headquarters. This training will provide a foundational knowledge of community-building and the framework to create community playbooks or collaborations guides for their own organizations over the course of the year.

Fellows will stay in touch throughout the year by attending monthly webinars and also working together in project teams to advance the emerging field of scientific community engagement. They’ll also attend two additional in-person cohort meetings – in June and December.

Introducing the #CEFP2019 cohort!

The 2019 cohort of Community Engagement Fellows is made up of 24 scientific community managers. The Fellows represent a diverse range of scientific communities from research collaborations to scientific societies and other organizations convening scientists for the purposes of skills development, project work, sharing of infrastructure and much more. Topical focus areas for this year’s Fellows include arctic science, data management, software training, conservation science and scholarly communications.

  • Kate Baker, Postdoctoral Research Fellow & Community Engagement Lead, Center for Water Systems University of Exeter
  • Arne Bakker, Manager, Scientific Meetings, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  • Ellen Bechtol, Outreach Specialist, IceCube
  • Arielle Bennett, Community Manager, Repositive Translational Oncology Network Initiative
  • Chiara Bertipaglia, Scientific Program Manager, Columbia University Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute
  • Megan Carter, Community Director, ESIP
  • Liz Guzy, Administrator, EDGE Center, University of Washington
  • Lars Hammarström, Strategic Relations Officer, KTH Royal Institute of Technology Science for Life Laboratory
  • Shane Hanlon, Program Manager at AGU Sharing Science Program
  • Rayna Harris, Technical Facilitator, The Carpentries Data Commons Pilot Phase Consortium
  • Toby Hodges, Bioinformatician, EMBL Bio-IT Project
  • Leslie Hsu, Coordinator, USGS Community for Data Integration
  • Ann Meyer, Knowledge and Research Exchange Manager, Ontario Institute for Cancer Research
  • Julianna Mullen, Site Manager, Ocean Acidification Information Network, NERACOOS
  • Brit Myers, Project Manager, Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S.
  • Serah Njambi, Community Engagement Lead, The Carpentries
  • Naomi Penfold, Associate Director, ASAPBio
  • Tom Quigley, Digital Makerspace Community Manager, Conservation X Labs
  • Jessica Rohde, Web Manager and Communication Officer, IARPC
  • Camille Santistevan, Associate Director of Public Relations, Advanced Science Research Center at The Graduate Center, CUNY
  • Jen Shook, Sr Program Manager, National Geographic Society Explorer Community
  • Korie Twiggs, Community Manager, ASTC Professional Development
  • Kathryne Woodle, Program Manager, APS

Over the course of next week, we will introduce each of the 2019 AAAS Community Engagement Fellows, focusing on a different type of scientific community each day.

Monday: Fellows building online communities for scientific societies and associations

Tuesday: Fellows building online communities (non-scientific societies/associations)

Wednesday: Fellows working with local research collaborations

Thursday: Fellows working with national or international research collaborations

Friday: Fellows working with scientific communities convened by infrastructure/halo organizations

Check back next week to learn more about their roles – and their 2019 goals!

Further resources

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