CSCCE QSS Session | Topic TBD

Quarterly Skills Share (QSS) sessions are an opportunity for participants in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program to share insights and expertise about their roles as STEM community managers. Sessions last 90-minutes and include two or three presentations, with ample time for Q&A and discussion.

This is an invitation-only event.

Mini-Workshop | Selecting supplementary tools for virtual meetings and events

Community managers regularly use online tools to support the needs of community members in virtual meetings and events. With so many possible needs to solve for, and so many potential online tools to use – how can you quickly determine which tools to explore and then use? In this Mini-workshop, you will apply CSCCE’s BASICS framework and SCORE method to determine an appropriate tool for a provided use case scenario. You will also test two online tools in a “sandbox” setting to explore functionality and usability, preparing you to select and implement tools for your own virtual meetings and events.


Price: $150

Register: 6 November Mini-Workshop: OnlineTools24

Registration deadline: Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Mini-Workshop | Designing for effective decision-making during virtual meetings

Meetings and virtual events often involve asking attendees to make decisions. Decision-making invokes numerous considerations, including how to negotiate power dynamics, empower everyone to express their opinions, and actually reach the outcome(s) you desire. In this Mini-workshop, you will explore four broad decision-making modes (authority rule, consultation, voting, and consensus) and then use the PACT framework to plan a decision-making process. You will leave prepared to deploy decision-making processes in a way that invites all attendees at your meetings and events to contribute.


Price: $150

Register here: 9 October Mini-Workshop: Decisions24

Registration deadline: Wednesday, 2 October 2024

Mini-workshop | Working with volunteers

Community managers are often trying to create spaces that support group learning and self-expression to build something members of the community couldn’t create alone – and this almost always includes incorporating volunteer contributions. In this Mini-workshop, we’ll explore common community manager concerns related to working with volunteers. We’ll discuss how to flip the narrative from self-doubt and scarcity to center volunteers in a way that empowers and supports them in working together and builds your confidence as a community organizer. We will discuss making contributor pathways visible so that work gets done, while being respectful of members’ different contexts. If you’ve ever found yourself thinking things such as “I feel really self-conscious about asking for contributions from our volunteers – are we being too demanding?” and “I know that different members in our community need different things, but I don’t know where to start,” then this discussion-based workshop is for you.


Registration is now closed. 

Mini-workshop | Making a PACT for engaging virtual meetings and events

With virtual work increasingly the norm, community managers are often tasked with convening and facilitating virtual meetings. In this Mini-workshop, you will discuss the opportunities and challenges of virtual meetings and explore the “Making a PACT” framework (Purpose, Attendees, Community management, Tech tools) for effective meeting design. You will apply the framework directly to example scenarios so that you leave feeling empowered to use the framework in your own community management.


Price: $150

Register here: 7 August Mini-Workshop: PACT24

Registration deadline: Wednesday, 31 July 2024

CSCCE QSS Session | Topic TBD

Quarterly Skills Share (QSS) sessions are an opportunity for participants in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program to share insights and expertise about their roles as STEM community managers. Sessions last 90-minutes and include two or three presentations, with ample time for Q&A and discussion.

This is an invitation-only event.

Creating Community Playbooks (PBK24S)

In this workshop-style, multi-week course, we discuss the different contexts in which community playbooks are useful and the different strategies for creating and maintaining them. Participants use CSCCE’s playbook framework and custom templates to create a “lite” playbook, and plan for socializing the playbook with their community members.

Our summer offering of Creating Community Playbooks (PBK24S) will run on Mondays and Thursdays beginning Monday, 15 July until Thursday, 29 August.

The key dates are:

  • Monday sessions: 15, 22, 29 July; 5, 12, 19, 26 August from 12:00pm – 1:30pm EST / 4:00pm – 5:30pm UTC
  • Friday sessions: 18, 25 July; 1, 8, 15, 22 August 12:00pm – 1:30pm EST / 4:00pm – 5:30pm UTC
  • Graduation: Thursday, 29 August at 12pm – 2pm EST / 4pm – 6pm UTC

Registration is open for this course: register on Eventbrite (deadline: 21 June 2024)

More information is available on the PBK webpage. 

CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program Orientation

This event is exclusively for participants enrolled in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program.

CSCCE’s Community Manager Certification Program builds upon our foundational Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals (CEF) course to create a longer-form, multi-component, online program for STEM community managers. The program will equip community managers and their organizations with necessary skills and frameworks to ground their work in a community-centric leadership approach – and to signal those qualifications to others. 

Find out more about the program.

CSCCE Mini-workshop: Creating core values statements

Core values statements describe the values underpinning how community members would like to interact, and include a definition of each value as well as examples of what they look like in action. Core values statements are most effective when they are co-created with community members and are specific to the community, rather than re-using values statements that others have created. In this mini-workshop, certification program participants will collaboratively draft core values statements as a cohort, a process they can also adapt for use in their own communities. 


This event is exclusively for participants enrolled in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program.

CSCCE’s Community Manager Certification Program builds upon our foundational Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals (CEF) course to create a longer-form, multi-component, online program for STEM community managers. The program will equip community managers and their organizations with necessary skills and frameworks to ground their work in a community-centric leadership approach – and to signal those qualifications to others. 

Find out more about the program.

CSCCE Mini-workshop: Giving and receiving feedback

Providing useful and kind feedback to others and being open to receiving feedback ourselves is a critical skill for effective collaboration – including during the certification program experience! During this session, we’ll explore the functions of feedback, how to structure yours, and what can make receiving feedback easier.


This event is exclusively for participants enrolled in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program.

CSCCE’s Community Manager Certification Program builds upon our foundational Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals (CEF) course to create a longer-form, multi-component, online program for STEM community managers. The program will equip community managers and their organizations with necessary skills and frameworks to ground their work in a community-centric leadership approach – and to signal those qualifications to others. 

Find out more about the program.