Happy holidays from CSCCE! A community potluck to wrap up 2021

Our December community call is traditionally a community potluck, with everyone contributing a little something to the call. We hold space for reflection, make time for intention setting for the new year, and have a little fun! This post shares a short recap of what we did this year, as well as best wishes for the holiday season from the staff team here at CSCCE.

This year we took a group photo, with optional festive props! Thanks to everyone who attended for playing along. Image credit: The CSCCE

Connecting and reflecting 

We kicked off the potluck with an icebreaker, going around the room and, in true British fashion (both Lou and Katie are from the UK) talking about the weather! With participants from California, New York, London, Stockholm, and more, it was a fabulous trip around the world. We talked about what we’ve been up to outside of work, including sledding in the snow, hibernating from the cold and grey, and enjoying some much-needed rain. 

Then we took a look back over the year at work. We pooled resources, connected over the value of shared frameworks (e.g., the CSCCE Community Participation Model), and talked about the books and podcasts that shaped our thinking. 

Gratitude, joy, and tranquility: Intention setting for the new year

After a 15-minute Mindful Movement practice to work out some physical kinks and take time to ground ourselves, we spent the last part of the call considering the three words that defined 2021 for us, and the three we hope to embody in 2022. Themes that emerged included an appreciation for our communities, both the CSCCE community of practice and the other communities we’re individually part of, a need for some down time over the next couple of weeks to reset, and a recognition that despite the challenges of 2021, there is much to celebrate in terms of our professional accomplishments. 

Next year’s community calls

We’re working behind the scenes on scheduling topics, speakers, and activities for our 2022 community calls. If you have any requests, please let us know by emailing info@www.cscce.org. Our next call will take place on Wednesday, 19 January at 4pm UTC / 11am EST. 

Happy holidays!