Our December community call is traditionally a community potluck, with everyone contributing a little something to the call. We hold space for reflection, make time for intention setting for the new year, and have a little fun! This post shares a short recap of what we did this year, as well as best wishes for the holiday season from the staff team here at CSCCE.
Tag: holiday party
December’s Community Call: Annual community potluck!
Every year (OK, this is only the third time, but still…) we host a virtual community potluck for our community of practice. Much like a traditional potluck, where guests bring an item to share in a multi-course meal, we’ll have a variety of activities (courses) and ways for you to “share your dish.”
Read on for more information, or if you’re just here for the key details, we hope to see you on Wednesday, 15 December at 4pm UTC / 11am EST. You can join the Zoom room here.
December’s Community Call: It’s time for our annual potluck party!
It’s potluck time, and you’re invited! Join us for our second annual celebration and reflection, where you bring a “course,” connect with your fellow scientific community managers, and raise a glass to the highs and lows of a tumultuous year.
This year’s potluck will take place on Wednesday, 16 December at 7pm UTC / 2pm EST. Click here to join, and read on to find out what to bring!

December’s Community Call: you’re invited to a virtual pot luck holiday party!
2019 has been a big year for CSCCE and with the holiday season rapidly approaching we thought we’d enter into the festive community-building spirit for our last community call of the year. So please join us on December 18th at 2pm Eastern for a virtual gathering designed to help us continue to get to know one another, celebrate the successes and things we learned this year, and look ahead to 2020.
Continue reading “December’s Community Call: you’re invited to a virtual pot luck holiday party!”