Exploring OpenReview and its various applications – CSCCE Open-Source Tools Trial 3

In the third Tools Trial of our series focused on open-source tools for community building, we’re taking a look at OpenReview, an open-source platform that supports open peer review, primarily for conference abstracts. Andrew McCallum and Melisa Bok from OpenReview will be joining us to take us through the key features of the platform, and CSCCE’s Emily Lescak will share an overview of some of the different ways it has been used in STEM communities – including for reviewing grants, and program applications. 

Tools Trial Info: 

  • Date: Thursday, 28 September 2023
  • Time: 11am EDT / 3pm UTC
  • Speakers: Andrew McCallum and Melisa Bok (OpenReview), and Emily Lescak (CSCCE)
  • Add to calendar
  • Zoom link to join  

You can find all Tools Trials announcements and recap blog posts on the CSCCE blog – including a summary of the first Trial in this series which focused on GitHub

About OpenReview

OpenReview, which was created by Andrew McCallum’s Information Extraction and Synthesis Laboratory in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at University of Massachusetts Amherst, is a cloud-based service that supports open peer review (primarily of conference abstracts or grant proposals) on an open-source platform.

During the Tools Trial, you’ll learn how to set up a profile and submission page, hear about how the platform’s features can be configured to allow for varying levels of openness and the ways in which reviewers can be matched to submissions, and explore some examples of OpenReview in action. You’ll also have ample opportunity to ask Andrew and Melisa any questions about the platform and its applications.  

Sharing what we learn

For each Tools Trial in this current series, we will be working with our expert speakers to prepare a Tip Sheet that summarizes the use cases discussed and brief instructions and tips to implement something similar in your community. 

We’ll also be recording the presentations from each call, and making them available on the CSCCE YouTube channel. 

You can expect recordings to appear within one week of the call, and tip sheets within one month. 

Staying connected after the call

If you are already a member of the CSCCE Community of Practice, make sure you join the #open_source_sig channel to continue the conversation after the call ends. You can request to join the CSCCE Slack workspace here

Please contact info@www.cscce.org if you have any questions! 

About CSCCE Tools Trials

CSCCE Tools Trials began in the summer of 2020 as a way of testing out new online tools. It was a response to the rapid pivot to online convening necessitated by the COVID-19 pivot. We’ve since hosted a number of Trials, and you can find recap blog posts about each of them here

Tools Trials are intended to be practical and participatory, so we encourage you to come with questions or use cases that you’d like to talk to the speakers about, or share with the other community managers or OS specialists who join the call. 

Calls last 90 minutes, however all of the presentations and demos will take place in the first hour. We will record presentations and demos, but we will turn off recording during the Q&A session. 

As with all CSCCE-hosted events, we expect anyone attending to abide by our Community Participation Guidelines and respect our Core Values.

If you have any feedback on CSCCE Tools Trials, or would like to suggest a topic or platform for future calls, please email info@www.cscce.org


Please note that by hosting and presenting in these trials neither CSCCE nor any of the participants (or their organizations) who attend these trials are endorsing the platforms.