CSCCE online modular trainings: Registration is now open for our Winter courses

This Fall we launched the first in a new series of CSCCE online training modules. In this blog post, we explain the courses and when they’ll be offered again, who we hope will take them, and how they impact our other programming, including a potential CEFP2021 cohort. If you have any questions about anything in this post, please reach out to us:

What are CSCCE online modular trainings?

Our online modular trainings distill years of experience and expertise in building successful communities in STEM into courses that fit into your busy schedule. Each training runs for six weeks, and involves two live sessions a week (totaling 2.5 hours) along with around 90 minutes of homework to complete each week.

Community engagement fundamentals

In the Fall of 2020, we are piloting our “Scientific community engagement fundamentals” course with a cohort of 16 members of our community of practice. This course will return in January for general admission, beginning on 12 January, with live sessions taking place on Tuesdays and Fridays at 5pm UTC / noon US EST.

We are particularly excited to share “Scientific community engagement fundamentals” with as many scientific community managers as possible, regardless of their career stage. It is our mission to provide core frameworks and nomenclature that we can all use, offering a common language with which to communicate and iterate, helping us and the communities we serve reach or even exceed their potential. 

With the creation of this module, we have also introduced a new requirement for applicants to our flagship CEFP training program: All applicants must first complete “Scientific community engagement fundamentals.” We are doing this to ensure that our fellows start their immersion year on the same page, which will allow us to expand our programming and go deeper on other areas of the curriculum. 

Dates & Times: Tuesdays & Fridays starting on Tuesday, 12 January 2021 and running as follows: 

  • Tuesday Lessons (12 – 1:30pm US Eastern Time): 12, 19, 26 January, 2, 9, 16 February 
  • Friday Co-Labs (12 – 1:30pm US Eastern Time): 15, 22, 29 January, 5, 12, 19 February

Pricing: $750 

Deadline to register: 16 December 2020

Planning and delivering successful virtual meetings and events

Dates & Times: Mondays and Thursdays starting 1 February 2021 and running as follows:

  • Monday Lessons (2 – 3:30 pm US Eastern Time): 1, 8, 22 Feb, 1, 8, 15 March
  • Thursday Co-Lab (2 – 3 pm US Eastern Time): 4, 11, 25 Feb, 4, 11, 18 March

*Note that we will skip Presidents’ Day week (15 and 18 Feb)

Pilot Pricing: $595

Deadline to register: 8 January 2021

Nurturing and stewarding engaged online communities

We strongly advise taking scientific community engagement fundamentals first, as this course will build upon the frameworks discussed there.  

Dates & Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays starting 16 March 2021 and running as follows: 

  • Tuesday Lessons (12 pm – 1:30 US Eastern Time): 16, 23, 30 March, 6, 13, 20 April
  • Friday Co-Lab (12 pm – 1 pm US Eastern Time): 19, 26 March, 1*, 9, 16 23 April

*Note that the 2 April Co-Lab will be held on Thursday 1 April due to the Easter Holiday

Pilot Pricing: $595

Deadline to register: 12 February 21

Find out more about these courses on our trainings page

Who are these trainings for? 

Anyone working as a community manager or facilitator of groups in STEM. We encourage participation from experienced as well as new practitioners, since a key feature of any training we offer is the creation of a cohort of learners. Within this cohort, participants can share their own expertise and gain new knowledge from their peers while also benefiting from our core curricula. 

How do CSCCE training modules work?

Live sessions

Each six-week course will involve a 90-minute webinar each week, plus a 60-minute Co-Lab (cohort + lab = Co-Lab!), in which participants work more deeply with the materials covered that week. 


You should be prepared to allocate four hours total per week to each course for its duration, which includes up to 90 minutes of homework between sessions.

Cohort-based learning

Learning and sharing together is one of CSCCE’s core values. Cohorts create trusted learning spaces where we can discuss our own challenges and successes and learn from one another’s experiences. 

Days and times

CSCCE hosts an international community and we’re working to offer time slots that work for members in different locations. If our current offerings don’t work for you, please let us know so that we can be responsive to demand when we repeat the courses. 

OK, sign me up! 

Check out each of the course pages for links to the registration forms:

Community engagement fundamentals

Planning and delivering successful virtual meetings and events

Nurturing and stewarding engaged online communities

**Don’t delay because each course is limited to a maximum of 20 participants.**

If you are interested in our other courses, please keep an eye on our website and monthly newsletter for more information.