GitHub and Bitergia for supporting research and developer communities – CSCCE Open-Source Tools Trial 4

For the fourth Tools Trial in our open-source series, we’re taking a closer look at research and developer communities. Our speakers will be sharing how they use GitHub and Bitergia to connect across teams and understand member behavior.

This will be the third Tools Trial at which GitHib is making an appearance, so if you’d like a primer on the platform, take a look at the recap blog posts for Trial 1 and Trial 2. But don’t worry if you don’t have time – we’ll make sure that you have the background you need to follow the technical aspects of the presentation during the call. 

Tools Trial Info: 

  • Date: Wednesday, 11 October 2023
  • Time: 10am EDT / 2pm UTC
  • Speakers: Sanket Verma (Zarr), Paul Nagy (OHDSI), Georg Link (Bitergia), Julia Koehler (Rosetta)
  • Add to calendar
  • Zoom link to join 

You can find all Tools Trials announcements and recap blog posts on the CSCCE blog. 

More GitHub functionality!

In this Tools Trial, we’ll take a look at how GitHub can be used to create, curate, and store community documentation. Sanket Verma, Community Manager at Zarr, will share how his community uses GitHub to collaborate on technical documentation. We’ll also hear from Julia Koehler, a senior developer of Rosetta, about how she uses GitHub Teams to manage the community working on the open-source RosettaMP software (a platform for membrane protein structure prediction and exploration).

And introducing Bitergia

Along with GitHub, we’ll also be taking a look at Bitergia at this Tools Trial. Bitergia is an analytics platform designed to help community managers assess the health of an open-source software project by tracking a variety of customizable metrics. Paul Nagy will share how he uses the tool to manage the OHDSI (Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics) project, and Georg Link from Bitergia will be here to showcase more of the platform’s capabilities. 

Sharing what we learn

After each Tools Trial in this current series, we’re working with our expert speakers to prepare Tip Sheets that summarize the use cases discussed along with brief instructions and tips to implement something similar in your community. 

We’ll also be recording the presentations from each call, and making them available on the CSCCE YouTube channel

You can expect recordings to appear within one week of the call, and tip sheets later a little later this year. 

Staying connected after the call

If you are already a member of the CSCCE Community of Practice, make sure you join the #open_source_sig channel to continue the conversation after the call ends. You can request to join the CSCCE Slack workspace here

Please contact if you have any questions! 

About CSCCE Tools Trials

CSCCE Tools Trials began in the summer of 2020 as a way of testing out new online tools. It was a response to the rapid pivot to online convening necessitated by the COVID-19 pivot. We’ve since hosted a number of Trials, and you can find recap blog posts about each of them here

Tools Trials are intended to be practical and participatory, so we encourage you to come with questions or use cases that you’d like to talk to the speakers about, or share with the other community managers or OS specialists who join the call. 

Calls last 90 minutes, however all of the presentations and demos will take place in the first hour. We will record presentations and demos, but we will turn off recording during the Q&A session. 

As with all CSCCE-hosted events, we expect anyone attending to abide by our Community Participation Guidelines and respect our Core Values.

If you have any feedback on CSCCE Tools Trials, or would like to suggest a topic or platform for future calls, please email


Please note that by hosting and presenting in these trials neither CSCCE nor any of the participants (or their organizations) who attend these trials are endorsing the platforms.