CSCCE partner hire: URSSI is looking for a community manager

The US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI), a fiscally sponsored Code for Science & Society project, is looking for a community manager. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in working with the research software community in the US and building a community of practice.

The new hire will also be working closely with CSCCE staff as we work to build a training program for NSF’s Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) grantees (find out more about that project). 

If you have any questions about this role with URSSI and how it connects with CSCCE, please contact

About the role

The new URSSI Community Manager will be taking on a brand new role, and building a community essentially from the ground up. They will be responsible for day-to-day tasks such as maintaining the URSSI website, connecting with members via Zoom and Slack, and curating content for a monthly newsletter. They will also coordinate URSSI’s monthly community call and work with URSSI and CSCCE staff on a new unconference for open source developers and research software engineers. 

The position is remote, reporting to Karthik Ram at the University of California, Berkeley. The hire will therefore be expected to work at least a portion of their core hours in the US Pacific timezone. 

A partnership with CSCCE

Whoever fills the position will not only be working with CSCCE staff on the design and delivery of the POSE training program, they will also benefit from access to CSCCE training via our Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals course and Community Manager Certification Program

More information

If you have any questions about the role, check out the full job description here or feel free to reach out to