Welcome to Alli Lindquist – CSCCE’s new Teaching and Project Assistant

This month, we welcome Alli Lindquist to the CSCCE team as our new Teaching and Project Assistant! Alli will be joining the CSCCE training team, and will be taking over much of Maya’s work as she prepares to head to grad school this fall.  

In this blog post, we share a little more about Alli’s background and her new role here at CSCCE, and also how her work fits into our evolving team (for more on some of our recent staff transitions, please revisit last month’s blog post on the topic). 

About Alli

With a background in neuroscience and biology, Alli has spent time researching Parkinson’s disease and working on developing cutting edge microscopy tools. She holds a masters degree in biology from Carnegie Mellon University, and has worked as a course developer and teaching assistant, lab manager, and research technician. Most recently, Alli served as a senior editor for Knowing Neurons, a neuroscience education and outreach website. We’re thrilled that Alli is bringing this combination of training and communications expertise to the team at CSCCE!

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Welcome to Talisha Sutton – CSCCE’s new Assistant Director of Operations

Another new hire joins our team this month – welcome, Talisha Sutton! Talisha is joining us as Assistant Director of Operations, initially in a part-time position, and brings depth to our team in developing internal processes and nonprofit administration.

In this blog post, we’ll share a little more about Talisha’s experience and background, as well as what her role here will entail. In a future post, we’ll talk more about how CSCCE’s staff team has evolved over the last few months, and unveil our new org chart. 

About Talisha

Talisha joins us from The Carpentries, where she served as Deputy Director of Business and coordinated a range of internal operations activities for the past 5+ years. Prior to joining The Carpentries, Talisha worked in various technical positions in the biomedical research sector, managing research laboratories and providing administrative and financial support. Her background is in biochemistry, and she holds a Masters degree in Pharmacology and Toxicology from Michigan State University. So, like many of us at CSCCE, Talisha brings a combination of a science background, an appreciation for collaboration and teamwork, and additional complimentary skills to the team!

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CSCCE to work with UC Berkeley on delivering training to NSF POSE grantees

CSCCE has received funding from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) in collaboration with Karthik Ram at the University of California, Berkeley to create and deliver a training program for grantees of NSF’s Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) program. The program will run in 2023 and 2024 and be offered to all POSE grantee teams to help them create sustainable community-centric ecosystems around their open source projects. 

In addition to working closely with POSE program officers, we’re thrilled to continue  collaborating with Karthik Ram and the US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI) to design and deliver this new training series. 

We are now embarking on a detailed planning phase, with training scheduled to begin in the early spring of 2023. In this blog post, we offer an overview of the scope of the program, highlighting four new employment opportunities with CSCCE and URSSI

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Celebrate milestones with Trellis groups

2017 has been an exciting year for Trellis. We’ve seen record numbers of users logging in and engaging a rise in weekly active groups. We’ve also launched new groups for AAAS … Continue reading “Celebrate milestones with Trellis groups”

Confetti against a blue sky
Confetti” by ADoseofShipBoy under CC BY 2.0

2017 has been an exciting year for Trellis. We’ve seen record numbers of users logging in and engaging a rise in weekly active groups. We’ve also launched new groups for AAAS members interested in science advocacy and Trellis group admins. Beyond these site-wide metrics, a number of individual Trellis groups have also hit membership milestones this year. Join us in celebrating these growing communities.

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Announcing the AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program

Today we’re delighted to announce a brand new fellowship program from AAAS, thanks to the generous support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program will … Continue reading “Announcing the AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program”

Today we’re delighted to announce a brand new fellowship program from AAAS, thanks to the generous support of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The AAAS Community Engagement Fellows Program will be a one year pilot to support the professional development and ongoing professionalization of community engagement experts within the scientific community.

You can read more about the program in the EurekAlert news release, and the accompanying story on aaas.org . We’ve addressed some more general questions about how the program fits in with Trellis and what it will look like below.

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