CSCCE Event Calendar

CSCCE hosts monthly community calls and weekly social hours as part of the programming for our community of practice. This calendar additionally shows one-off events and online trainings offered by the center.

Mini-workshop | Making a PACT for engaging virtual meetings and events


With virtual work increasingly the norm, community managers are often tasked with convening and facilitating virtual meetings. In this Mini-workshop, you will discuss the opportunities and challenges of virtual meetings and explore the “Making a PACT” framework (Purpose, Attendees, Community management, Tech tools) for effective meeting design. You will apply the framework directly to example scenarios so that … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | Making a PACT for engaging virtual meetings and events"

CSCCE QSS Session | Topic TBD


Quarterly Skills Share (QSS) sessions are an opportunity for participants in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program to share insights and expertise about their roles as STEM community managers. Sessions last 90-minutes and include two or three presentations, with ample time for Q&A and discussion. This is an invitation-only event.