Visiting Scholars Program

The Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE) is launching a Visiting Scholar Program in late 2019, which provides former CEFP Fellows, community engagement professionals, team science researchers or evaluators the opportunity to work on a small-scale joint research or materials development project during a week-long visit to Washington, DC. The visits are expected to take place in the first half of 2020.

The project may be continued before and/or after the week-long stay via remote interactions. Visiting Scholars may apply for a second visit to CSCCE.

Visiting scholars will have the opportunity to work with CSCCE staff and others – such as CEFP project teams, if applicable. This will be discussed as part of the application process.

Research topics

Applications for collaboration are welcome on any topic related to advancing the professionalization and institutionalization of the community engagement manager (CEM) within science. Topics could include:

  • The role and skillsets of scientific community engagement managers – continuing the skills wheel work of the CEFP Fellows; analyzing the role of CEMs as change agents within their organizations.
  • Scientific community engagement managers and team dynamics – promoting and supporting diverse, inclusive communities and organizations as a scientific CEM.
  • The role of scientific CEMs in online scientific communities – CEMs as catalysts during the community lifecycle; evaluating the value of CEMs to online scientific communities.
  • Materials development to support scientific CEMs, host organizations and funders – to support the hiring, training and evaluation of scientific CEMs e.g. handbooks, posters, best practice manuals, reports or white papers.

Expected outputs

Collaborations between the visiting scholar and CSCCE staff are expected to extend beyond the research stay and aim at tangible outputs such as co-authoring a handbook, poster, or journal article, planning a conference publication, or submitting a grant application to fund future collaborations.

Visiting scholars are expected to host one seminar online or in-person about their work to share it with the broader community of practice for scientific CEMs hosted by CSCCE.

Application process

We will announce a request for initial enquiries in late 2019 / early 2020. If you are interested in applying to be a Visiting Scholar, please contact us then by emailing with the subject line “CSCCE Visiting Scholars Program + [your topic of interest].”

Please include the following information in your email:

  • Your current role
  • Your current affiliation
  • Proposed start date (we will find a suitable date together)
  • Title of proposed research project
  • Short abstract of proposed research project (max. 300 words)
  • Required funding (all that apply):
    • I need funding for my travel to and from Washington, DC
    • I need a per diem for my stay in Washington, DC
    • I need accommodation for my stay in Washington, DC
    • I have access to other sources of funding for the research stay.
    • If no funding is available, I would like to be considered for an unfunded position.

Select applicants will be asked to submit a more detailed project plan in a sample template provided by CSCCE staff.


The CSSCE will provide funding for up to eight full scholarships and additionally offers up to two self-funded research stays (e.g. for DC-based collaborators). Visiting scholars will be given a desk in a shared space including internet access.

The funded scholarships include rail or airfare to and from Washington, DC, plus accommodation for the duration of the stay and a per diem, if required. Additional funding may be available to present results of the collaboration at agreed upon conferences.