How we credit contributions in the CSCCE community


Expressing gratitude and showing recognition is one of the CSCCE community’s core values and is central to the way we work together:

“Giving thanks and acknowledgement for contributions, whether they be knowledge, experience, or other forms of support, is an important part of how we interact with each other. We strive to give credit and attribution in an ethical and representative way.”

CSCCE Core Values

These guidelines are a good faith attempt to explain how CSCCE staff will give credit and/or acknowledgement for contributions made by CSCCE community members and others with whom we collaborate. We expect these guidelines to also be followed by groups within the CSCCE community – including where there may not be direct staff involvement in the group’s activities. These groups may include, but are not limited to: working groups, special interest groups, CEFP fellows’ project teams, Visiting Scholars and community calls.  

If you think that we have omitted to mention a contribution that you have made, please email so that we can work together to find a resolution. 

Contributions and authorship

If you worked in a CSCCE working group, CEFP project team, or as a Visiting Scholar and as a result created an output such as a tip sheet, report, survey etc. that is published under the CSCCE branding then CSCCE will credit you as (one of) the author(s) of the output. 

Anyone who made a significant contribution towards a project – whatever the role – should be listed as a co-author. This includes CSCCE staff members, where applicable. We will use the CRediT system for detailing author contributions. Contributions that merit authorship are: Conceptualization, methodology, software, validation, formal analysis, investigation, resources, data curation, writing – original draft, writing – review & editing, visualization, supervision, project administration, and funding acquisition.

You can find more information about the CRediT system, including definitions of these terms, here


Where we format and share materials that have been authored by members of our community, we will name the authors of the materials on the document itself as well as in the corresponding metadata of the Zenodo resource and also on the CSCCE website – including in the custom “publication blocks” that showcase items on our resources pages, where applicable. 

Wherever possible, such as uploading materials to Zenodo, we will add ORCID IDs to the author information. We will ask for this information as you work with us. 

If you’re uploading materials to Zenodo yourself, you can submit to the CSCCE Zenodo community page here and please add “CSCCE” as a tag.

To aid in the appropriate attribution of reshared materials, wherever possible we will add a recommended citation to materials that we produce. This will typically follow the format:

Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement. (2020) Slack quick start guide. Woodley and Pratt doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3763730

Working group contributions 

If you participate in a CSCCE working group, unless you indicate that you prefer not to be, we’ll list your membership of that working group on the CSCCE website, as well as on any slides in talks where we refer to the working group’s activities and outputs. If you are the co-chair of a working group we will additionally indicate this role.

If the working group produces outputs such as a publication, white paper, or other artefact the authorship guidelines stated above will also apply.

Guest blog posts

When you submit a guest blog post that is approved for publication on the CSCCE blog we will work with you to ensure that you approve of any edits to the post before publication and we will visibly name you as the author of the post in the opening paragraph. We will also give you the opportunity to submit a short bio to be displayed in an “about the author” section at the bottom of the post. 

Publishing a blog post by a guest author does not imply that CSCCE agrees with the opinions expressed in the post.

Proof-reading and other feedback

Where you have spent time giving CSCCE staff feedback by proof-reading materials, taking part in an interview, or something else that is intended to improve our resources, we will credit you in the acknowledgements section of the final materials. 

Crediting funding sources

Where work has been directly enabled by a funder, that source will be acknowledged on the materials produced.