Multimodal programming

The importance of providing a range of inclusive, accessible programming options that support community members in engaging in a way that matches their current availability, preferences for engaging, and accessibility needs. Community members’ changing modes of engagement can be influenced by time, interest, and other things happening in their lives. (See CSCCE’s Community Participation Model)

Example: When sharing an invitation to a public webinar, you might also offer the information that a recording will be made available by a specific date for those who are unable to attend.

Citation: Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement. (2021) CSCCE Glossary: Inclusive Language in Community Building. Woodley, Pratt, Bakker, Bertipaglia, Dow, El Zein, Kuwana, Lower, Roca, and Santistevan doi: 10.5281/zenodo.5718783

Categories: Inclusive language
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