CSCCE Event Calendar

CSCCE hosts monthly community calls and weekly social hours as part of the programming for our community of practice. This calendar additionally shows one-off events and online trainings offered by the center.


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Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals Summer 2022 Cohort Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals is an eight-week course designed to offer new or existing community managers core frameworks and vocabulary to describe their community’s purpose, refine or create strategic programming to engage  community members around their shared goals, and identify ways to lower barriers to member participation. While … Continue reading "CEF22S"


Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals Fall 2022 Cohort Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals is an eight-week course designed to offer new or existing community managers core frameworks and vocabulary to describe their community’s purpose, refine or create strategic programming to engage  community members around their shared goals, and identify ways to lower barriers to member participation. While … Continue reading "CEF22F"


Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals - Fall 2023 (CEF23F) This eight-week course is designed to offer new and existing community managers a core set of actionable skills and strategies. More information:

CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program Orientation

This event is exclusively for participants enrolled in the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program.CSCCE’s Community Manager Certification Program builds upon our foundational Scientific Community Engagement Fundamentals (CEF) course to create a longer-form, multi-component, online program for STEM community managers. The program will equip community managers and their organizations with necessary skills and frameworks to ground their work … Continue reading "CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program Orientation"

CSCCE Mini-workshop: Creating core values statements

Core values statements describe the values underpinning how community members would like to interact, and include a definition of each value as well as examples of what they look like in action. Core values statements are most effective when they are co-created with community members and are specific to the community, rather than re-using values … Continue reading "CSCCE Mini-workshop: Creating core values statements"

CSCCE Mini-workshop: Giving and receiving feedback

Providing useful and kind feedback to others and being open to receiving feedback ourselves is a critical skill for effective collaboration – including during the certification program experience! During this session, we’ll explore the functions of feedback, how to structure yours, and what can make receiving feedback easier.------This event is exclusively for participants enrolled in … Continue reading "CSCCE Mini-workshop: Giving and receiving feedback"


Content Design - Fall 2023 (CODE23F) This multi-week course focuses on creating informative and engaging community content that is aligned with an overall purpose. More information:

CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program Information Session

Please join us to learn more about the spring 2024 cohort of the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program (CERT24Sp). Zoom link:

Mini-workshop | Enacting culture change: The Four-Frame Model

Many culture change projects are met with general enthusiasm at the conceptual level, but fall short during their implementation. In this Mini-workshop, participants will reflect on their own role as change agents and use Bolman and Deal’s Four-Frame Model to assess and describe different types of barriers to culture change initiatives (structural, human resources, political, … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | Enacting culture change: The Four-Frame Model"

CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program Information Session

Please join us to learn more about the spring 2024 cohort of the CSCCE Community Manager Certification Program (CERT24Sp). Zoom link:

Mini-workshop | Preparing for large-scale collaborations

In this first of a two part series of two-hour workshops, participants will explore dimensions of team readiness for large, multi-stakeholder collaborative initiatives and how a team readiness assessment can be used to identify the stage of their project and which areas they need to address as a priority. By the end of this workshop, … Continue reading "Mini-workshop | Preparing for large-scale collaborations"


Creating Community Playbooks - Winter 2023 (PBK24W) Playbooks are written hubs that keep your community members, community champions or community team on the same page by making visible the who, what, why, when, where, and how of your shared work together. In this workshop-style, multi-week course, we’ll talk about the different contexts in which playbooks … Continue reading "PBK24W"